30th April 2018

  • We have seen solid progress this month, with the basement almost complete
  • The rock strength has been a real struggle, as it has slowed up excavation and has put us behind on program,  but we hope to pick up some time as we near the structural stage of the job.
  • You can see the drainage being installed. This is the last item before we start the slab preparation for the rear section of the basement carpark slab

29th March 2018

Easter Update

  • The rain has held us back a few weeks on program, but the boys on site have been pushing hard to pick-up lost time.
  • Basement footings and columns are well underway with the crane installed on Tuesday 27th March.

28th February 2018

  • Excavation continues as we have now reached the bottom and begin footings next week.
  • Rain in Brisbane has unfortunately caused quite a few days delay this month

15th February 2018

Here is a mid-month video of our progress!


29th January 2018


  • Fresh from the Xmas break, we have seen great progress this month, with all piling complete, capping beam installed and the excavation is underway
  • You will notice we are excavating hard rock, so might be a little slow for the next few weeks, but rest assured, the building will have the strongest founding material with foundations in this rock